The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

  • 8.30 am - Low Mass (Said, Rite I Mass with Hymns). Includes Blessing and Distribution of Palms.

    11.00 am - Sung Choral Mass (Rite II with Incense). Includes Procession of the Palms.

    (Sunday school will not meet on Palm Sunday)

  • 7.00 pm - Sung Choral Mass. Includes foot washing, procession to the Altar of Repose, stripping of the altar, and the all-night vigil watch before the Blessed Sacrament.

  • 12.00 noon - The Good Friday Liturgy. Includes St John’s Passion Gospel, veneration of the cross, Mass of the Presanctified, and singing of the Solemn Collects.

    7.00 pm - Stations of the Cross

  • 8.30 pm - The First Mass of Easter. Includes kindling of the Easter fire, lighting of the Paschal Candle, solemn procession into the church, singing the great Alleluia, and first Mass of Easter. This liturgy lasts approximately 1.5 hours and is one of the most moving liturgies of the entire year.

  • 8.30 am - Low Mass (Rite I liturgy with hymns).

    10.00 am - Easter Egg Hunt and Reception on the Lawn

    11.00 am - High Mass. Sung Choral Mass with Incense. A beautiful way to celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord!